Monday, December 19, 2011

Rasmussen Family Pictures

3 Generations: Nina, Lois and Grandma Micklesen

  Here is an awesome picture loaned to me by my Aunt Beryl Morley of the three generations of women in the Micklesen / Rassmussen Family. This picture was taken in 1911 when Lois was about 3 years old. Christina was probaly 73 years old in this picture. She died in July of 1911.

Top row Left to Right: Lois, Ron, Bea, Harlo Dewayne, Lynn, Clara
Bottom Row Left to Right: Erma, Fred, Arvid, Nina, Gene

  This picture shows almost the whole family except for Harold. Three of the Husbands are shown in this pitcure including Erma's husband Ron Jensen. Lois Husband Harlo Dewayne (Dewey) Turner and Lynn
Wright married to Clara who will pass away in 1943 while her husband was in WW II.

Rasmussen Family Left to Right: Gen, Fred, Harold, Lois, Clara, Nina, Bea, Erma

Left to Right; Gene, Harold, Lois, Clara, Erma

Tailor Shop in Midvale 1915

This is probably their first shop in Midvale. If you click on this picture you can get bettr contrast and see the sign in the Back says Rasmussen's Tailor Shop. The people in front are probably Fred, Erma and Lois. I have no way to know for sure.

Tailor Shop 1930 Fred, Nina and Arvid

   Most of the captions are copied directly from the back of the picture. I add in other commens below.

Rasmussen Siblings & Spouses

  This picture was probaly taken in the Draper Cemetery on Memroial Day. Harold and his wife Iva were added in by my Grandmother Lois Turner. She did Photoshopping before it was evented.

Left to Right front row: Harold & Iva Rasmussen, Ron & Erma Jensen, Beatrice R. Petersen, Lois R. Turner, Gene & Frank Schmidt
Back Row, Arvid & Audra Rasmussen, Grant Petersen, Harlo Dewayne (Dewey) Turner

Nina's Six Brothers

  Nina's Six Brothers but only four are Identified. This would be Peter Mickelsen's six sons. You can see some of the names on the bottom.
Top Row Left to Right: Chris ( Christian Martinus?) Unknown, Unknown
Bottom Left to Right: Peter (Christian Peter) Fred (Christian Frederick) Jimmy (Jens Severin)
The other two are probably, Neils Christian and Jens Andreas. Christian may have been a popular name because the king in Denmark was named Christian. Also children were names after a relative so Danish families had a shortage of names until this tradition change in the late 1800's. If anyone has more information on this picture please let me know.

Rasmussen Family at the time of Grandma Rasmussen's death.
Back Row L to R: Erma, Bea, Lois, Clara, Gen
Front Row L to R: Arvid Grandpa Rasmussen, Harold

Hans Fredrick Rasmussen's Birthday

Back Row Left to right: Lynn Turner, Arvid Rasmussen, Lois & Dewey Turner, Bea & Grant Petersen, Gen, Baby Dennis, Frank Schmidt, Jacklynn Turner, Beryl Turner.
Second Row, L to R: Frieda Rasmussen, John Rasmussen, HF Rasmussen, Josie Rasmussen, Della Turner, Marion Schmidt
Front Row L to Right:  Ralph & Blaine Schmidt, Carol & Reed Petersen, Joan Petersen, Norma Dee Turner, Alan & Doug Schmidt
Family members identified by Jackie Turner Christensen

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