Sunday, December 25, 2011

More Rasmussen Pictures

Butch, Uncle Soren, Jacks Mother, Grandma Rasmussen, Grandpa Rasmussen, Jacks Father

  I copied the information from the back of the picture and added it to this blog. I think this is Jens Peter Rasmussen and his wife in Denmark. I am not sure. If anyone knows the people in this picture and can help please let me know.

Jackie Turner, Grandma Rasmussen and Jerry Jensen

Grandma Nina Rasmussen, Jackie Turner & Grandma Nellie Turner Summer 1936

This is a Photo of Jacklynn Turner Christensen with her two grandmothers in the Summer of 1936. Both of them would pass away in the next 6 years. Her Grandmother Turner in 1940 and Grandmother Rasmussen in 1942 when she would be 7 years old.

Grandpa Rasmussen's 75th Birthday Party

  This pictures shows Grandpa Rasmussen with a Birthday cake and his wife Josie and many Grandchildren.
Back row is Lynn Turner, Ralph Schmidt, Jackie Turner and Beryl Turner.
Second Row l to r: Della Turner, Marion Schmidt, Grandpa Rasmussen, Joan Petersen, Norma Dee Turner, Josie Rasmussen, baby Dennis Schmidt.
Front row l to r: Reed Petersen, Carol Petersen, Doug Smidt, Allen Schmidt, Blaine Schmidt.

Rasmussen Children and Spouse

  This is all of the children and their spouse minus Harold and Lois Turner. Lois was probably taking this picture. People from Left to Right are: Grant Petersen, Bea Petersen, Gen & Frank Schmidt, Audra and Arvid Rasmussen, Erma and Ron Jensen. The date of this photo is probabluy mid to late 70's.

California 1955 Jo, Fred, Ira & Lois

Jerry, Judy and Jan Jensen

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