Friday, October 7, 2011

The Rasmussens in Census records

So after the Mikkelsens' I am now going to give you the family of Hans Fredrick Rasmussen as found on Danish Census records. Thanks to the Website:

Hans Fredrick Rasmussen does not show up on any of the census below but this gives us a great history of his parents and their families.
So here is the List of Census: I only have a little information. If this is not very explanatory please comment and let me know what questions you have. Please review these carefully. I tried to make notes to explain how they all match up. I find the census a great tool to put families and their history together.

The Rasmussen's

randers, Djurs Sønder, Albøge, Søbye, , , 11, FT-1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Rasmus Sørensen, 46, Gift, , inderste, er væver,
Christine Rasmussen, 40, Gift, , hans kone,
Rasmus Rasmussen, 14, -, , deres barn,
Søren Rasmussen, 13, -, , deres barn,
Niels Peder Rasmussen, 6, -, , deres barn,
Jens Rasmussen, 2, -, , deres barn,
(father and Mother of Jens Peter Rasmussen who is the father of Hans Fredrik Rasmussen the Father of Lois Christine Rasmussen)

randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, Allelev By, , et Huus, 7, FT-1845
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Rasmus Vester, 58, Gift, , Huusmand og Wæwer, her i Sognet
Ida Christine Rasmusdatter, 51, Gift, , hans Kone, Grenaa
Søren Rasmussen Vester, 23, Ugift, , deres Børn, Albøge Sogn Randers Amt
Jens R. Vester, 13, Ugift, , deres Børn, Albøge Sogn Randers Amt!!
Jens Peter R. Vester, 7, Ugift, , deres Børn, her i Sognet
Mads Pedersen, 71, Enke(mand), , Inderste, Hyrde, Hinge Sogn Viborg Amt
Ane Christensdatter, 49, Enke(mand), , Inderste, lewer af at spinde, Homaa Sogn Randers Amt
(Rasmus the Head of the Household and a weaver- Born in this parish.)
randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, Lyngby By, , en Gaard, 26, FT-1845
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Peder Laursen, 43, Ugift, , Gaardmand, her i Sognet
Maren Hansdatter, 78, Enke(mand), , Opholdskone, Thirstrup Sogn Randers Amt Widow of (Laurs Pedersen and owner of house. Mother of Kirsten Laursdatter)
Niels Nielsen Poder, 33, Gift, , tjenende i Gaarden, Hoed Sogn Randers Amt
Kirsten Laursdatter, 41, Gift, , hans Kone, her i Sognet
Mette Kirstine Christensdatter, 31, Ugift, , Tjenestepige, Aalsø Sogn Randers Amt
Rasmus Pedersen, 16, Ugift, , Tjenestedreng, her i Sognet
Marie Kirstine Nielsdatter Poder, 4, Ugift, , datter af owenmeldte N Poder, her i Sognet
(Marie is the mother of Hans Fredirk Rasmussen and wife of Jens Peter Rasmussen) She is the daughter of Niels Poder but owenmeldte is tranlated owen reporter?

randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, A Lyngbye Bye, , En Gaard, 11, FT-1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Peder Laursen, 33, Ugift, , Selweiergaardmand,
Laurs Pedersen, 65, Gift, , Opholdsmand. Peder Laursens Fader,
Maren Hansdatter, 67, Gift, , Opholdsmandens Kone,
Kirsten Laursdatter, 30, Ugift, , deres Datter,
Søren Pedersen, 17, Ugift, , Tjenestedreng,
(See above for connection to Rasmussens.)

randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, Lyngbye sogn, , Lyngbye bye 13, en gaard, 1, FT-1840
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Peder Laursen, 39, Ugift, , Gaardmand,
Laurs Pedersen, 70, Gift, , aftægtsmand, Support received after giving up estate
Maren Hansdatter, 73, Gift, , hans kone
Anders Peter Basse, 16, Ugift, , Tjenestekarl,
Marie Cath. Jensdatter, 23, Ugift, , Tjenestepige,
Father and Mother of Kirstine Laursdatter  who is the mother of Marie Nielsdatter Poder who married Jens Peter Rasmussen Vester.)

Randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, Lyngby By, , Hus, 69-F1, FT-1880

Name:Age:Marital status:Occupation in household:Occupation:Birth place:
Jens Peter Rasmussen41 GiftHusfader, BlikkenslagerLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Marie Kjerstine Nielsen38 GiftHans HustruLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Niels Peter Christian Rasmussen12 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Christine Pouline Rasmussen10 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Søren Marius Rasmussen8 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Richard Johannes Rasmussen6 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Magrethe Frederikke Natalie Rasmussen4 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt

Hans Fredrick is not born yet but this 1880 Census was in his birth year. On this website this is the last available census for Lyngby, I guess we either find the rest on microfilm or wait for it to be processed. According to my quick translation guide Jens was a plumber. I suppose this would be a new industry in Denmark.

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