Friday, October 7, 2011

The Rasmussens in Census records

So after the Mikkelsens' I am now going to give you the family of Hans Fredrick Rasmussen as found on Danish Census records. Thanks to the Website:

Hans Fredrick Rasmussen does not show up on any of the census below but this gives us a great history of his parents and their families.
So here is the List of Census: I only have a little information. If this is not very explanatory please comment and let me know what questions you have. Please review these carefully. I tried to make notes to explain how they all match up. I find the census a great tool to put families and their history together.

The Rasmussen's

randers, Djurs Sønder, Albøge, Søbye, , , 11, FT-1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Rasmus Sørensen, 46, Gift, , inderste, er væver,
Christine Rasmussen, 40, Gift, , hans kone,
Rasmus Rasmussen, 14, -, , deres barn,
Søren Rasmussen, 13, -, , deres barn,
Niels Peder Rasmussen, 6, -, , deres barn,
Jens Rasmussen, 2, -, , deres barn,
(father and Mother of Jens Peter Rasmussen who is the father of Hans Fredrik Rasmussen the Father of Lois Christine Rasmussen)

randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, Allelev By, , et Huus, 7, FT-1845
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Rasmus Vester, 58, Gift, , Huusmand og Wæwer, her i Sognet
Ida Christine Rasmusdatter, 51, Gift, , hans Kone, Grenaa
Søren Rasmussen Vester, 23, Ugift, , deres Børn, Albøge Sogn Randers Amt
Jens R. Vester, 13, Ugift, , deres Børn, Albøge Sogn Randers Amt!!
Jens Peter R. Vester, 7, Ugift, , deres Børn, her i Sognet
Mads Pedersen, 71, Enke(mand), , Inderste, Hyrde, Hinge Sogn Viborg Amt
Ane Christensdatter, 49, Enke(mand), , Inderste, lewer af at spinde, Homaa Sogn Randers Amt
(Rasmus the Head of the Household and a weaver- Born in this parish.)
randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, Lyngby By, , en Gaard, 26, FT-1845
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Peder Laursen, 43, Ugift, , Gaardmand, her i Sognet
Maren Hansdatter, 78, Enke(mand), , Opholdskone, Thirstrup Sogn Randers Amt Widow of (Laurs Pedersen and owner of house. Mother of Kirsten Laursdatter)
Niels Nielsen Poder, 33, Gift, , tjenende i Gaarden, Hoed Sogn Randers Amt
Kirsten Laursdatter, 41, Gift, , hans Kone, her i Sognet
Mette Kirstine Christensdatter, 31, Ugift, , Tjenestepige, Aalsø Sogn Randers Amt
Rasmus Pedersen, 16, Ugift, , Tjenestedreng, her i Sognet
Marie Kirstine Nielsdatter Poder, 4, Ugift, , datter af owenmeldte N Poder, her i Sognet
(Marie is the mother of Hans Fredirk Rasmussen and wife of Jens Peter Rasmussen) She is the daughter of Niels Poder but owenmeldte is tranlated owen reporter?

randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, A Lyngbye Bye, , En Gaard, 11, FT-1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Peder Laursen, 33, Ugift, , Selweiergaardmand,
Laurs Pedersen, 65, Gift, , Opholdsmand. Peder Laursens Fader,
Maren Hansdatter, 67, Gift, , Opholdsmandens Kone,
Kirsten Laursdatter, 30, Ugift, , deres Datter,
Søren Pedersen, 17, Ugift, , Tjenestedreng,
(See above for connection to Rasmussens.)

randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, Lyngbye sogn, , Lyngbye bye 13, en gaard, 1, FT-1840
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Peder Laursen, 39, Ugift, , Gaardmand,
Laurs Pedersen, 70, Gift, , aftægtsmand, Support received after giving up estate
Maren Hansdatter, 73, Gift, , hans kone
Anders Peter Basse, 16, Ugift, , Tjenestekarl,
Marie Cath. Jensdatter, 23, Ugift, , Tjenestepige,
Father and Mother of Kirstine Laursdatter  who is the mother of Marie Nielsdatter Poder who married Jens Peter Rasmussen Vester.)

Randers, Djurs Sønder, Lyngby, Lyngby By, , Hus, 69-F1, FT-1880

Name:Age:Marital status:Occupation in household:Occupation:Birth place:
Jens Peter Rasmussen41 GiftHusfader, BlikkenslagerLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Marie Kjerstine Nielsen38 GiftHans HustruLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Niels Peter Christian Rasmussen12 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Christine Pouline Rasmussen10 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Søren Marius Rasmussen8 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Richard Johannes Rasmussen6 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt
Magrethe Frederikke Natalie Rasmussen4 UgiftDeres BarnLyngby Sogn, Randers Amt

Hans Fredrick is not born yet but this 1880 Census was in his birth year. On this website this is the last available census for Lyngby, I guess we either find the rest on microfilm or wait for it to be processed. According to my quick translation guide Jens was a plumber. I suppose this would be a new industry in Denmark.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mikkelsen Family by Census

In this post I want to share two things. First How my great Grandmother Anina Marie Mikkelsen got her name of Mikkelsen and second, show a brief history of the Mikkelsen family through the government census. I think for anyone interested in the Mikkelsen family line you will find this interesting. Census records in Denmark were not done every 10 year's like in the US but at sporadic times and some times every five years which is great for Genealogist. The problems with census is they were written by hand and sometimes the information available was very poor. ages don't always add up and names for some people are very different. I obtain all of this information from the following website:

The Mikkelsens

hjoerring, Vennebjerg, Ugilt, Drastrup, , , 1, FT-1801
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Christen Mikkelsen, 34, Gift, Huusbonde, Bonde og Gaardbeboer,
Anne Christensdatter, 34, Gift, Hands Kone, ,
Anne Marie Nielsdatter, 16, Ugift, Tieneste Folk, ,
Maren Nielsdatter, 8, Ugift, Tieneste Folk, ,
Mikkel Hansen, 60, Enkemand, Huusbondens Fader, ,
Father and Mother of Mikkel Christen Christensen who is the father of Peter Mikkelsen who is the Father of Nina Marie Mikkelsen the mother of Lois Christine Rasmussen Turner. Notice that Christen Mikkelsen's father is Mikkel Hansen living with his son.
hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Iilbjerge Skoledistrikt, Hvidstedgaard Bye, , en Gaard, 18, FT-1834
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Jens Jensen, 55, Gift, , Gaardmand,
Maren Pedersdatter, 56, Gift, , Hans Kone,
Christen Jensen, 21, Ugift, , Deres Børn,
Mads Jensen, 14, Ugift, , Deres Børn,
Maren Jensdatter, 10, Ugift, , Deres Børn,
Mother and Father of Mariane Jensdatter who is the mother of Mikkel Christian Christensen (See above)
hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Hvidsted, , En gaard, 34, FT-1845
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Jens Jensen, 66, Gift, , Gaardmand, Heri sognet
Maren Pedersdatter, 67, Gift, , Hans kone, Do
Maren Jensdatter, 21, Ugift, , Deres datter, Do
Mads Jensen, 25, Gift, , Deres søn, Do
Ane Cicilie Laursdatter, 23, Gift, , Hans kone, Hjørring
Mettine Marie Madsdatter, 1, Ugift, , Deres datter, Heri sognet
Mette Marie Jensdatter, 18, Ugift, , Tjenestepige, Do
hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Taars, , Hvidsted bye, en gaard, f20, FT-1850
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Mads Jensen, 30, gift, , gaardmand, huusfader, Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Ane Cecilie Laursdatter, 28, gift, , hans kone, Hjørring sogn, Hjørring amt
Mettine Marie Madsdatter, 6, ugift, , deres barn [Mads Jensen og Ane Cecilie Laursdatter], Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Jens Peter Madsen, 3, ugift, , deres barn [Mads Jensen og Ane Cecilie Laursdatter], Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Karen Marie Jensdatter, 19, ugift, , tjenestepige, Tolne sogn, Hjørring amt
Jens Jensen, 71, gift, , inderste og aftægtsmand, Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Maren Pedersdatter, 72, gift, , hans kone, Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
 Jens Living with his son.

hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Taars Sogn, Iilbjerge Skoledistrikt, , En Gaard, 21, FT-1855
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Mads Jensen, 34, Gift, Husfader, Gaardmand, Taars Sogn
Ane Ceciliæ Larsdatter, 33, Gift, hans Kone, , Hjørring
Mathine Marie Madsen, 11, Ugift, deres Barn, , Taars Sogn
Jens Peter Madsen, 8, Ugift, deres Barn, , Taars Sogn
Laura Christine Madsen, 2, Ugift, deres Barn, , Taars Sogn
Jens Jensen, 80, Gift, Husfaders Fader der af ham forsørges, , Taars Sogn
Maren Pedersdatter, 80, Gift, hans kone, , Taars Sogn

hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Vesterheden, , Et huus, 11, FT-1845
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Mikkel Chr Christensen, 35, Gift, , Huusmand jordloden, Ugilt sogn Hjørring amt
Mariane Jensdatter, 38, Gift, , Hans kone, Heri sognet
Jens Chr Mikkelsen, 12, Ugift, , Deres børn, Do
Ane Marie Mikkelsdatter, 10, Ugift, , Deres børn, Do
Peter Mikkelsen, 5, Ugift, , Deres børn, Do
Marie Mikkelsdatter, 2, Ugift, , Deres børn, Do
(Father and Mother of Peter Mikkelsen the Father of Anina Marie Mikkelsen)

Mikkel Christian Christensen is named after his grandfather. His name is carried over to his son through Patronymics which then gives the name of Peter Mikkelsen. For those of you following my Christensen blog you will notice that both family lines have a Mikkel Christian Christensen. It is very interesting but this is a very common name in Denmark at this time. Just a note Mikkel is also referred to as Michael.

hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Taars, , Vesterheden, et huus, f6, FT-1850
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Mikkel Christian Christensen, 40, gift, , huusmand, huusfader, Ugilt sogn, Hjørring amt
Mariane Jensdatter, 44, gift, , hans kone, Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Peter Mikkelsen, 10, ugift, , deres søn [Mikkel Christian Christensen og Mariane Jensdatter], Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Andreas Mikkelsen, 3, ugift, , deres søn [Mikkel Christian Christensen og Mariane Jensdatter], Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Marie Mikkelsen, 7, ugift, , datter [Mikkel Christian Christensen og Mariane Jensdatter], Taars sogn, Hjørring amt

hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Taars Sogn, Taars Skoledistrikt, , Et Hus, 6, FT-1855
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Mikkel Christian Christensen, 45, Enke(mand), Husfader, Husmand, Ugilt Sogn, Hjørring Amt
(widower House Holder
Maren Christensdatter, 33, Ugift, Husholder, , Torslev Sogn, Hjørring Amt
Oline Christine Mikkelsen, 1, Ugift, hendes Datter, , Taars Sogn
Marie Mikkelsen, 12, Ugift, Husfaders Barn, , Taars Sogn
Andreas Mikkelsen, 8, Ugift, Husfaders Barn, , Taars Sogn
hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Taars Sogn, Taars Skoledistrikt, , Borup, en Gaard, 10 [F1], FT-1855
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Jens Sørensen, 37, Gift, Husfader, Gaardmand, Taars Sogn
Kirsten Marie Andersdatter, 37, Gift, hans Kone, , Taars Sogn
Søren Jensen, 3, Ugift, deres Barn, , Taars Sogn
Mariane Jensen, 1, Ugift, deres Barn, , Taars Sogn
Hans Christensen, 25, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Torslev Sogn, Hjørring Amt
Niels Christian Christensen, 23, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Taars Sogn
Peter Mikkelsen, 15, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Taars Sogn
Hansine Gundersdatter, 18, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Taars Sogn
Marital status:
Occupation in household:
Birth place:
Jens Sørensen

gaardmand, huusfader
Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Christen Hansen

Lendum sogn, Hjørring amt
Jens Christian Mikkelsen

Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Marie Nielsdatter

Taars sogn, Hjørring amt
Ane Marie Mikkelsdatter

Taars sogn, Hjørring amt

Peters Brother and sister working as Young Servants for a Jens Sorenson.

hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Taars Hvidsted By, , Hvidstedgaard, 314, FT-1870
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Nicolai Amnitzbøll, 71, Enke, Husfader, Landmand, Holbæk Sogn
Hansine Ramløs, 32, Gift, Slægtning, Datter, Taars Sogn
Gonne Amnitzbøll, 31, Ugift, Søn, Forvalter, Taars Sogn
Kristiane Amnitzbøll, 28, Ugift, Datter, , Taars Sogn
Elna Ramløs, 5, Ugift, Datters Barn, , Taars Sogn
Gerda Ramløs, 2, Ugift, Datters Barn, , Taars Sogn
Mathilde Ræbild, 21, Ugift, Lærling, , Ugilt Sogn
Agatha Nielsen, 17, Ugift, Tjenestepige, , Sindal Sogn
Marie Nielsen, 21, Ugift, Lærling, , St-Olai Sogn
Johanne Marie Christensen, 21, Ugift, Tyende, Tjendstepige, Taars Sogn
Marie Christensen, 24, Ugift, Gaartjener, Tjendstepige, Mosbjerg Sogn
Chathrine Christensen, 24, Ugift, Gaartjener, Malkepige, Bindslev Sogn
Stine Jørgensen, 17, Ugift, Gaartjener, Malkepige, Taars Sogn
Peer Thomsen, 31, Fraskilt, Gaartjener, Avlskarl, Sindal Sogn
Julius Thomsen, 24, Ugift, Gaartjener, Avlskarl, Sindal Sogn
Peter Nielsen, 24, Ugift, Gaartjener, Avlskarl, St-Olai Sogn
Niels Eriksen, 22, Ugift, Gaartjener, Avlskarl, Ugilt Sogn
Jens Sørensen, 25, Gift, Gaartjener, Avlskarl, Elling Sogn
Jacob Larsen, 22, Ugift, Gaartjener, Avlskarl, Taars Sogn
Peter Mikkelsen, 32, Gift, Gaartjener, Røgter, Taars Sogn
Johan Svendsen, 17, Ugift, Gaartjener, Dreng, Sverige.
Christoffer Pedersen, 16, Ugift, Gaartjener, Dreng, Taars Sogn
(Peter Working in the Amnitzboll House hold as a Rogter?) (He may have been a waiter or a person who worked with Cattle)
hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Taars Hvidsted By, , Et Hus, 305, FT-1870
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Kirstine Nielsdatter, 32, Gift, Husmoder, Daglejer Manden Tjener på Hvidstedgaard, Linberg Sogn Sverig
Christian Marthinus Mikkelsen, 6, Ugift, Barn, , Taars Sogn
Niels Christian Mikkelsen, 3, Ugift, Barn, , Taars Sogn
Udøbt Drengebarn, under 1 år, Ugift, Barn, , Taars Sogn
Udøbt Drengebarn, under 1 år, Ugift, Barn, , Taars Sogn
Kirstine Nielsdatter whose Husband Peter works as Rogter in a large Household. She works as a daylaborer she is from Linberg Parish Sweden (Sverig)

hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Hvidsted By Taars Sogn, , Hvidstedgaard, 1, FT-1880
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Gomme Jacob Brandt Ammitsbøll, 41, Gift, Husfader Proprietær., , Her i Sognet
Marie Sofie Frederikke Ammitsbøll født Broe, 32, Gift, Hans Hustru, , Rødovre Sogn Kjøbenhavn Amt
Ellen Ammitsbøll, 3, Ugift, Deres Børn, , Her i Sognet
Anna Karoline Ammitsbøll, 1, Ugift, Deres Børn, , Her i Sognet
Lars Christopher Nyholm, 24, Ugift, Forvalter, , Vrejlev Sogn Hjørring Amt
Angnes Kirstine Lund, 17, Ugift, Husholdningselev, , Aalborg
Petrea Kirstine Jensen, 22, Ugift, Mejerske, , Her i Sognet
Anna Kirstine Thomsen, 20, Ugift, Mejerselev, , Rakkeby Sogn Hjørring Amt
Thomas Peter Gadskesen, 32, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Astrup Sogn Hjørring Amt
Laurits Møller Mørk, 20, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Vrejlev Sogn Hjørring Amt
Christian Martinus Christensen, 22, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Rakkeby Sogn Hjørring Amt
Niels Andersen, 31, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Vrejlev Sogn Hjørring Amt
Thomas Christian Jensen, 28, Ugift, Tjenestefolk, , Jerslev Sogn Hjørring Amt
Peter Mikkelsen, 39, Gift, Tjenestefolk, , Her i Sognet

hjoerring, Børglum, Taars, Borup og Omegn Taars Sogn, , Et Hus i Borup, 4, FT-1880
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
Kristine Nielsen, 41, Gift, Væver kone hendes mand er Røgter i Hvidstedgaard, , Sverig
Weaver woman hers Husband is Herdsman in Hvidstedgaard (Birth Sverig Parish)
Niels Christian Mikkelsen, 13, Ugift, Deres Børn, , Taars Sogn Hjørring Amt
Jens Christian Mikkelsen, 11, Ugift, Deres Børn, , Taars Sogn Hjørring Amt
Jens Møller Mikkelsen, 10, Ugift, Deres Børn, , Taars Sogn Hjørring Amt
Christian Peter Mikkelsen, 8, Ugift, Deres Børn, , Taars Sogn Hjørring Amt
Christian Frederik Mikkelsen, 5, Ugift, Deres Børn, , Taars Sogn Hjørring Amt
Anine Marie Mikkelsen, 2, Ugift, Deres Børn, , Taars Sogn Hjørring Amt
Anina is two years old living with her mother who runs the household while her father works in Hvistedgaard.

  Peter worked as a Servant in a very large house. He takes two of his Children Anina who is just 6 years old in 1883 when she sailed with her father and Brother Christian Fredrick for America.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ramussen Family Quiz

  So I am going to quiz you on your knowledge of the Rasmussen family. Can anyone name the couple in this picture.
Hint: Look at my previous blogs for an answer.

Jens Peter Rasmussen and Marie Kerstine Nielsen Poder

  I found this picture in some of my files and had to share it. Let me know if you have any pictures that you have of the Rasmussens or Mikkelsens you would like to share.